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21 août 2011 7 21 /08 /août /2011 09:24

Dear readers,


Chers lecteurs,


Here are some news of the renovation going on at the Little White House.


Voici des nouvelles des rénovations qui sont en cours dans la petite maison.


Phase 1




Phase 2




Phase 3





Phase 4




Phase 5




Phase 6




The above picture was just taken a minute ago... It's already dark outside, so my very sophisticated camera can't take a proper picture... I promise to update this as soon as possible (which means it might take a while).


The fireplace isn't done by any means. There's just a coat of primer on it... And that will have to do for now... I'm back to work next week, so I'm out of time, as well as out of money.


I have ideas for it: panelling maybe or faux panelling as it would be cheaper... I'm also looking for an old fireplace frame or whatever it's called that I could find second hand and paint or wax... If the lack of money isn't my friend, the lack  of time is: it will allow me to live for a while with this new/old wall and see what's best for it!  Any ideas?


The place isn't decorated yet, as I'm sure you noticed but I just got some pieces of furniture back in... It already feels so much more like a home.


For those wondering about that dark stain on the sofa, it's the cat, meaning he's still there and seems okay for now after big health troubles... I keep a close eye on him... At least he seems to think the new living-room is very peaceful.




Till next time, with more to show,




Magali, from the Little White House



PS.: I haven't had time to take new pictures, besides the weather is gloomy today... So this is not an update on the house...

I just wanted to say that (even if I am usually not big on praying) all my prayers are with those living on the East Coast of America... Blogging has allowed me to "meet" people all over the world and now I find myself worrying for them. I can't imagine the state of mind you must be in. I sincerely hope you will all be safe and I'm keeping an eye on the news on TV.

I'm trying to send all of you hope from across the ocean, especially to Laura, from A Place For Tea, who had to evacuate her lovely home.


  Joining those inpiring parties!


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<br /> What a wonderful transformation. The stone work is just beautiful. I know your fireplace will look so pretty.<br /> Thanks for popping in to see me.<br /> Be a sweetie,<br /> Shelia ;)<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> J'attendais avec impatience de nouveaux articles sur ton blog. Je trouve cette partie du salon sublime !! Et en photo, on ne voit pas les petits défauts... je suis certaine qu'il y en a aussi chez<br /> les autres blogueuses, mais sur les photos on ne les voit pas.<br /> Courage pour la suite !<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> <br /> Oui, j'ai eu un peu de retard... Mais après les coups d'aspirateur et de serpillère quotidiens et le mini-déménagement du garage à la maison tous les soirs, j'étais pas très motivée de<br /> l'écriture!!!<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> Who would have guessed the beautiful stonework was behind those walls? Looks fantastic!<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> <br /> Thanks! But this is only the beginning. Stay tuned for another... say five years... and it will be done!<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />

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  • littlewhitehouse.over-blog.com
  • I've been looking for a house for some time now... And I think I found it! The thing is it needs a lot of work to be transformed from a house to &quot;my&quot; home. I've been looking for ideas on everybody's blogs, so i thought I could begin one of my own...
  • I've been looking for a house for some time now... And I think I found it! The thing is it needs a lot of work to be transformed from a house to &quot;my&quot; home. I've been looking for ideas on everybody's blogs, so i thought I could begin one of my own...

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