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23 janvier 2011 7 23 /01 /janvier /2011 17:18

What's with the horror titles lately?


Mais qu'est-ce qui me prend avec tous ces titres horribles en ce moment?







As a birthday treat to myself, I chose to get rid of some of the overwhelming orange of the Little White House. That's what the massacre is about.


J'ai décidé de me débarasser d'un peu de tout le orange qui envahit la petite maison blanche pour mon anniversaire.


Just some picture in case you weren't having nightmares anymore about that beautiful landing of mine.


Une petite photo de ce à quoi mon palier ressemblait ce matin au réveil, pour le cas où vous auriez réussi à oublier ce cauchemar.


palier 1


There's nearly nothing to keep, but I had decided not to change anything, as I have big plans about that landing, that might be altered to smaller plans if the budget decides so...


J'avais décidé de ne rien toucher parce que j'ai des projets pour mon petit palier...


But somehow, that orange was really getting on my nerves... and... a few minutes later, this morning...


Mais ce orange me tapait vraiment sur les nerfs et après quelques minutes, voilà:


palier 7


There's still much to do, of course... And that will have to wait until the summer holidays. For now, I'll let the walls breathe, as a colleague from school puts it (she can ask me for royalties...).


Il reste encore beaucoup de choses à faire...


This is how it looks now on my way to my bedroom:

palier 8



Shadow came to check my work...


palier + chat


Shadow a fait l'inspecteur des travaux finis.


If you're worried too much white will get depressing, you'll be relieved to learn, that there are still three different colours on the other three walls, no kidding!


Si vous avez peur que le blanc fasse hôpital, pas de panique, il y a encore trois pans de murs de trois couleurs différentes dans cet espace, si, si!


So whose complaining I ripped down some orange wallpaper?


Donc, qui va me dénoncer pour massacre de papier peint orange?


In the next episode of  "The Little White House", I'll show you some real birthday presents...


Dans le prochain épisode de "La Petite Maison Blanche", je vous montrerai quelques véritables cadeaux...


I'm linking this post to Metamorphosis Monday at Between Naps on The Porch:

Pic for Body of Blog3

and to:


Making The World Cutter 


Little White House xxx

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  • I've been looking for a house for some time now... And I think I found it! The thing is it needs a lot of work to be transformed from a house to "my" home. I've been looking for ideas on everybody's blogs, so i thought I could begin one of my own...
  • I've been looking for a house for some time now... And I think I found it! The thing is it needs a lot of work to be transformed from a house to "my" home. I've been looking for ideas on everybody's blogs, so i thought I could begin one of my own...

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