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6 janvier 2013 7 06 /01 /janvier /2013 18:13

Dear readers,


Chers lecteurs,


Tonight is the Twelfth Night, also known as "day of the Kings (Magi)" in France.


It's a family day where we eat a cake inside of which a lucky charm has been hidden. The person who finds the charm in his or her piece of cake is crowned king or queen for the day.




In Paris, the cake is called Gallette. It's made of pastry and almond dough.




In the south of France, though, it's traditional to eat a brioche in the shape of a crown.




Sometimes with glacé fruits on top of it (my Mom's favourite).




This year I tried to bake my own brioche. I found a recipe in a magazine with the glacé fruits inside.


Je vous passe les informations sur la galette dont vous n'avez pas besoin si vous êtes Français et je vous propose ma toute première brioche... Elle est un peu bancale, mais compte tenu du mini four avec lequel je travaille, je la trouve superbe!




It's not really even... But if you remember that I have a very tiny cheap oven, I believe it's perfect.


You may notice that the glacé cherries are very dark and the glacé orange pieces very light. That's because I use oragnic ones without artificial colouring.


Ne vous étonnez pas de la couleur foncée des cerises confites ou au contraire de la couleur palotte des oranges et citrons confits. J'utilise des fruits sans colorants artificiels... Et au naturel, cela donne donc ça!




It was delicous and I'll keep the recipe for next year... I'll just make some improvement from experience!




I would show you the lucky charm if I could, but it hasn't been discovered yet!


If you noticed some white fabric on a chair in my first picture... It's supposed to be turned into kitchen curtains some day...


Magali, from The Little White House xxx


PPS: 1) All pictures were found on Google and taken from websites, rather than personal blogs. The last three are mine, taken with the dreadful light we've had seen 2013 began!


2) I'm bringing my brioche to the following parties:


sew chatty buttonTuesdaysTreasuresbutton

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17 octobre 2011 1 17 /10 /octobre /2011 20:53

The blog is not going full speed right now... But, reading the last comment I received convinced me it was time to write again! - Thanks Marcia, for that comment, by the way... Your timing was perfect!


I'm slowly processing the idea that decoration  will not be on the menu at the Little White House for a long time... There's still a lot more renovation to do before I can decide where to hang that print I bought on an "attic sale" last weekend...




So basically, the house is sick and I'm trying to find a cure for it. The kitty is sick and I'm trying to get a cure for him... No need to say the weeks are exhausting...




So plan A for Friday night was to cry my tiredness out... Way too depressing, don't you think? So I went for plan B: cooking! Something that always manages to lift me up. Now, you understand where I was going with all these pictures!




The pictures show you the ingredients needed for a favourite fall recipe of mine...




"Poires au vin rouge"


I thought it could be a perfect recipe for Hallowe'en if you called it "Pear in hot blood"!!!




It could also be "Pear in cold blood", but I like it better served warm.


So what you'll need for those bloody pears:

4 pears

2 cups of red wine (French, "bien sûr")

1 cup of water

2/3 cup of sugar

1 cinnamom stick

1 long lemon peel

1 tablespoon of lemon juice


Pour everything in a saucepan and cook until the pears are tender.

It's so easy peary lemon peely. If you're not convinced, see where I cook ALL my meals:




Yes! This is what the Little White House kitchen looks like and is going to look like for a very long time... Which will give me all the time I need to imagine what I really want my kitchen to look like (glass half full, anyone?). And, hey, this not the kind of picture you see on blogs, now is it? I hesitated to show you that, and then, I thought maybe someone will feel better seeing it or someone will feel lucky her kitchen doesn't look like that!






Magali, from the Little White House



Those bloody pears are going to some nice parties!!!


th wowuswedparty


  remodelaholic.jpgVery Merry Vintage Style


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4 octobre 2011 2 04 /10 /octobre /2011 08:19

Fall, really? It's hotter around here than it has been all summer!


Sérieusement, c'est l'automne? Mais les températures sont bien plus élevées que cet été... Et j'e n'ai même pas encore pu crâner avec ma nouvelle veste de rentrée...


I've been kind of awol lately and I'm truly sorry I'm even too tired to read and comment your blogs.


The Little White House is living very hard times that I don't wish even to my ennemy's house!


So you may understand that I'm not in the decorating mood at all...


Je ne suis pas du tout, mais alors pas du tout, dans une dynamique de décoration actuellement, dû à un certain nombre de petits problèmes qui s'accumulent...


I haven't done any fall decorating...


Still I wanted to be part of Sarah's fall party... So here's the only "fallish" thing I did lately...


Mais quoi de mieux que cuisiner pour penser à autre chose... En plus, après, on a le droit de déguster!




Apple pie. I love a warm apple pie any time of the year, but especially when the apples are just falling from my mum's tree!


So if you want a taste of autumn, head to your kitchen!




This is what you'll need for the pastry:

1 cup flour

2 tablespoons sugar

70/90 g butter (I use salted butter, being from Brittany...)

1 tablespoon milk

water... enough to make the dough, I can't really say!


For the filling:

4 to 6 apples (depending on the size of the apples your tree is yielding!)

1/2 cup sultanas

1/2 cup nuts

1/2 chopped dates

4 tablespoons brown sugar

some lemon rind

1  tablespoon orange marmelade

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

2 to 4 tablespoons flour

2 teaspoons of butter


Mix all the ingredients and pour the filling in a pie pan.

Cover with the pastry.

Drizzle some sugar over it.

Bake for about 40 minutes (oven at 180°C/350°F)






You may want to serve it with vanilla ice-cream, but this is strictly forbidden for me... And we don't want to be sick on top of everything, do we? - using "we" to speak of myself may be a sign that problems are making me slightly insane!


Believe me, it's good comfort food! You may notice I was too eager to obey my sweet tooth and forgot to take a picture of the pie when it came out of the oven...




Magali, from the Little White House’s kitchen





I'm bringing my apple pie to the following party:

Sarah's Fall In Love party






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5 mars 2011 6 05 /03 /mars /2011 20:24

Dearest readers,


Chers lecteurs,



Just in case you thought I was completely mad when writing my title, it's a quote from the TV show Buffy The Vampire Slayer, the show that taught me English... It deserved to be quoted at least once.



So my days of this Winter Break are quite busy: sanding a wall upstairs in the morning, gardening in the afternoon (why is it so cold for March?) and grading papers in the evening (the grading, being the last activity of the day, doesn't go very well...). It's pretty tiring and did I mention the cold? It calls for hearty country food.



onion soup 1


Après des journées qui se résument à ces quelques activités: ponçage des poissons sur les murs des toilettes, désherbage et déronçage du fond du jardin et correction des copies (bizarrement cette dernière activité n'avance pas très vite), le soir j'ai envie de nourriture bien copieuse et surtout bien chaude (mais quand est-ce que la dame de la météo arrêtera de se tromper? cela fait une semaine qu'elle annonce des températures plus clémentes!).


onion soup 8


So here's my easy-peasy recipe for French onion soup.

a spoonful of butter

8 to 10 onions

a tablespoonful of brown sugar (because a spoonful of sugar helps...)

2 tablespoonfuls of flour

3 to 4 cups of beef stock

bread and grated cheese to serve


onion soup 7


Il vous faut donc pour cette recette hyper simplifiée de soupe à l'oignon:

un peu de beurre

8 à 10 oignons

une cuillérée à soupe de sucre brun

2 cuillérées à soupe de farine

750mL à 1L de bouillon de boeuf

du pain et du fromage râpé pour la garniture


onion soup 6

Just a little reminder of what my kitchen looks like and of why I only make easy-peasy recipes!!!


So basically, once the onions are cooked enough in the butter, add the other ingredients one by one. "Cooked enough" can change depending on your taste: some like them to get a little brownish, but I don't.


onion soup 5

Les photos ci-dessus sont juste là pour vous rappeler que ma cuisine tient plus du camping en ce moment, donc je ne fais que des recettes faciles!


Donc, une fois que vous avez fait revenir vos oignons dans le beurre, vous ajoutez juste les ingrédients dans l'ordre... Et vous pouvez vous verser un apéro pendant que ça cuit tout seul!


onion soup 2


I almost forgot to give you my secret: when you peel and chop the onions, you might cry a little... Try to do a little dance, to hop from one foot to the other. It really helps. If you don't have children, swearing doesn't hurt...


Oups, j'ai failli oublié de vous livrer le secret de la réussite. En épluchant et découpant les ognions, vous pourriez vous mettre à pleurer. Je vous conseille alors d'entamer une petite danse, de sauter d'un pied sur l'autre: ça m'aide vraiment. Si vous n'avez pas d'enfant, lancer quelques jurons soulage bien aussi...



Bon appétit...








Little White House xxx


  I'm linking for the first time my "easy-peasy-no-real-kitchen" recipe to:



th wowuswedpartygood-life-wednesday-a-beach-cottage2

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23 février 2011 3 23 /02 /février /2011 17:01


Dear guests,


Chers invités,


Would you like some tea?


Que diriez-vous d'une tasse de thé?







Vous êtes tenté?




I apologize for the lack of light, but besides what the weather forecast lady said yesterday on TV, we're having a really cloudy day and the flash made even more awful pictures! Besides, the fact that the dining-room is still to be redone means I work with three dark orange walls and a dark brown one: it doesn't help!!! I tried not to show too much of the walls on the pictures, but I sometimes failed!!!


Toutes mes excuses pour le manque de luminosité, mais il fait vraiment très gris aujourd'hui et mon appareil réagit vraiment très mal à ce genre de lumière!


My first idea was to go for a very "white themed" tea and as I went to the florist, having in mind to buy white tulips, I completely fell in love with these roses:




Ma première idée était de faire une table toute blanche, mais je suis tombée amoureuse de ses roses au coloris un peu défraîchi...



So I changed my mind and went all white and pink instead...




Do you have a sweet tooth?




I'm sorry to admit that the macarons are not homemade... I don't work on Wednesdays so I was suppose to have time to cook. But yesterday I was called for a new job (my current job will be over in a few days) and I had to go visit the new school, meet the staff and all: I couldn't tell the principal "Sorry I can't come, I have to make sandwishes for a blogland tea party", could I?


Anyway, the macarons are from a lovely shop in Saint-Brieuc, where I stopped on my way back from the new school!




The light pink ones are filled with rose petal jam... I wish you could taste them!




Je dois avouer que les macarons ne sont pas faits maison... Mais cela est dû à une plutôt bonne nouvelle: j'ai un nouveau remplacement qui s'annonce à la rentrée des vacances. J'ai dû aller rencontrer le principal et visiter le collège (en fait, j'ai courru sur mes petits talons dans les couloirs derrière le principal, sans jamais le rattrapper!), du coup, peu de temps pour cuisiner!





Le macaron rose pâle est parfumé aux pétales de roses: je ne pouvais pas être plus dans le thème!!! Ils viennent d'une adorable boutique de Saint-Brieuc... Et je remercie en passant la gentille propriétaire qui m'a gardé tout mon dossier de la nouvelle école, que j'avais oublié sur son comptoir, toute absorbée que j'étais à choisir mes coloirs de macarons!!!





Strawberry macaron...



Yesterday evening, I had time to cook those little cakes, filled with raspberry jam...




Qui veut un petit gâteau fourré à la confiture de framboise, maison cette fois?


I had invited over a lovely lady, whose blog you can visit here, but she had to cancel for very good reason, so it's only a rain check...


Géraldine, ce n'est que partie remise, n'est-ce pas? Et ne t'inquiète pas, j'ai eu quelques invités surprise, finalement!



But I wasn't alone for that tea party after all...
























How Alice In Wonderland, don't you think?


Des invités dignes du thé d'Alice au pays des merveilles, non?






















Dear readers, I was so happy to have you over for that tea party!





Little White House xxx



I'm linking with:


High Tea at Decor To Adore




  linkparty button pngTablesque Thursdaygood-life-wednesday-a-beach-cottage2

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12 septembre 2010 7 12 /09 /septembre /2010 16:29

Sorry for all English-only speaking folks, but this post was a request from French-speaking friends. Anyway no one who speaks English actually needs this recipe!


A la demande quasi-générale (j'exagère comme toujours), voici la recette du cheesecake. Un aperçu pour vous faire envie:


Tout d'abord, il vous faire une croûte: au choix biscuits écrasés et mélangés avec du beurre fondu (environ 200g de biscuits et 90g de beurre font l'affaire), ou une pâte brisée maison ou achetée toute faite (on en trouve même des bio maintenant). Si vous choisissez l'option pâte brisée maison ou commerce, il faut la faire précuire 10 minutes dans un four à 200°C.


La garniture maintenant:

750g de fromage blanc

1 tasse de sucre (250 mL)

1/4 de tasse de farine

un peu de zeste d'orange et de citron râpé

4 oeufs

150 mL de crème (environ, moi, c'est toujours à la louche!)


Ajoutez les ingrédients dans l'ordre dans la terrine, en battant au fouet pour que ce soit lisse. Versez dans la pâte précuite et cuire environ 1 heure à 180°C.


C'est simple comme bonjour. Le tout pour que ça fasse chic, c'est d'accompagner de fruits de saison et d'un petit coulis (ici un coulis de groseilles du jardin! les prunes, elles, viennent du jardin de ma Maman).




Bon appétit!


Little White House xxx


PS: The blog might be on hold for a little while as I did find a job (I'm a substitue teacher), but it's in txwo different schools (not good for me who doesn't like driving) and it's as a French teacher (and I haven't taught French for 8 years now, so it's a lot of work - it's kind of challenge, though, so of course I enjoy it). I'll be posting as soon as I feel my lessons are ready for the week coming...

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  • I've been looking for a house for some time now... And I think I found it! The thing is it needs a lot of work to be transformed from a house to "my" home. I've been looking for ideas on everybody's blogs, so i thought I could begin one of my own...
  • I've been looking for a house for some time now... And I think I found it! The thing is it needs a lot of work to be transformed from a house to "my" home. I've been looking for ideas on everybody's blogs, so i thought I could begin one of my own...

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