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1 décembre 2012 6 01 /12 /décembre /2012 22:26

Dear readers,


Chers lecteurs,


I don't know about your corner of the world, but here in Brittany it's been pretty cold all week. It was usually around 6°C/43°F during the day, which is rather cold for that part of the world, so close to the sea.





En cette semaine de premiers froids en Bretagne, vous vous dites peut-être que je suis lovée dans le canapé avec une bonne tasse de thé... Non, non, moi, j'ai choisi cette semaine pour détruire les fenêtres et la porte de la maison, futée, hein?


So what did you think I did? Cozied up on the sofa with a hot cup of tea?


IMGP4841Sorry about that blurry picture, taken seconds before the carpenters arrived...


No, not me! I decided to tear down the windows and the front door!




Warning! This is a renovation post. There is not one staged pictures. Most of them were taken in a hurry right before going to work or right back from work...




It might seem crazy, but I was really happy that phase 2 of the renovation of this old cottage finally began... Even happier when it was over, of course.




Three reasons led to that phase 2:

1) security: the previous windows could have been opened with a mere pair of twizzers (what do you mean  by "who would open windows with twizzers?") -

2) Insulation: there was a nasty draft which made its way under the door and under the living-room window -

3) Decoration: since I got to change the windows, I decided to draw the windows I wanted.




Euh, là, c'est le moment où c'est plus moche après qu'avant... Il y a toujours une phase comme ça dans les travaux!




On that picture, you can see that the window on the right (the living-room) has been changed, but not the one on the left (the dining-room)... What do you think?


J'adore cette photo que j'ai réussi à prendre avant de partir travailler mardi matin: la fenêtre de droite avait été changée la veille, mais pas encore celle de gauche!


Full reveal to come... Stay tuned!


I have to go back trying to get rid of tons of dust (not fairy dust!) before I can get any Christmas decorating done!


Si quelqu'un s'ennuie ce weekend, il y a beaucoup de poussière à nettoyer dans la Petite Maison!


Magali, from a dusty Little White House xxx

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I love the living room window. It gives it so much more of a cottage look.
<br /> <br /> Thank you so much... That's what I was looking for!<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />
Wow, how exciting that you are renovating your home--I can't wait to see the windows! Your home is beautiful, and I love the white exterior with the blue shutters. Thank you so much for your kind<br /> words about my holiday mantel--I am glad that you liked it!
Moi, j'ai eu la chance de voir toutes tes nouvelles fenêtres. Et tu as bien fait de te lancer dans les travaux. Le résultat est vraiment très "british cottage", ce que tu voulais, n'est-ce pas ?<br /> Alors courage pour la poussière !

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  • I've been looking for a house for some time now... And I think I found it! The thing is it needs a lot of work to be transformed from a house to &quot;my&quot; home. I've been looking for ideas on everybody's blogs, so i thought I could begin one of my own...
  • I've been looking for a house for some time now... And I think I found it! The thing is it needs a lot of work to be transformed from a house to &quot;my&quot; home. I've been looking for ideas on everybody's blogs, so i thought I could begin one of my own...

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