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  • Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas (23/12/2012)
    Dear readers, Chers lecteurs, I'm just writing a quick post in between re-re-packing for the hundredth time, trying to travel as light as possible due to a painful hernia... I even asked Shadow to eat light lately so I can carry him! Au milieu de la sorte...
  • Catch Me If You Can! (19/12/2012)
    Dear readers, Chers lecteurs, I confess I stole someone idea last weekend. J'avoue avoir volé une idée ce week-end. About a year ago I suscribed to a blog called Keeping It Simple. Il y a environ un an, je me suis abonnée au blog Keeping It Simple, et...
  • Santa Claus Is Coming To Town (12/12/2012)
    Dear readers, Chers lecteurs, Thanks a lot for your comments who usually make my breakfast! I read them sipping my morning tea before going to work and it keeps me happy for the rest of the day! I believed something was missing to my first mantel. If...
  • In The Bleak Mid-Winter (08/12/2012)
    Dear readers, Chers lecteurs, Going shopping in December around here is pure craziness. There's just nowhere to park and even if you can park, there are so many people in the aisles that it gets on my nerves in no time and there's no need to tell you...
  • The First Noël (Mantel) (07/12/2012)
    Dear readers, Chers lecteurs, My Christmas mantel is very, very simple. So you might wonder why I'm so extatic about it and so proud to show it on the blog. J'ai choisi un décor de cheminée extrêmement simple pour ce mois de décembre... Et vous vous demandez...
  • Christmas Robin (02/12/2012)
    Dear readers, Chers lecteurs, I should obviously have spent the day dusting the house... Well, I didn't! De toute évidence, j'aurai dû passer la journée à dépoussiérer la maison... Mais, non! Milo, checking if there's any food in that shopping bag! Today...
  • Open Windows (01/12/2012)
    Dear readers, Chers lecteurs, I don't know about your corner of the world, but here in Brittany it's been pretty cold all week. It was usually around 6°C/43°F during the day, which is rather cold for that part of the world, so close to the sea. En cette...

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Me, Myself... And The House!

  • littlewhitehouse.over-blog.com
  • I've been looking for a house for some time now... And I think I found it! The thing is it needs a lot of work to be transformed from a house to "my" home. I've been looking for ideas on everybody's blogs, so i thought I could begin one of my own...
  • I've been looking for a house for some time now... And I think I found it! The thing is it needs a lot of work to be transformed from a house to "my" home. I've been looking for ideas on everybody's blogs, so i thought I could begin one of my own...

The Little White House was featured...


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