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13 décembre 2010 1 13 /12 /décembre /2010 19:13

Hi everyone!


Sarah, from the wonderful Modern Country Style, told me about a carol I didn't know about yet, but I really enjoyed discovering it.

Sarah, du blog Modern Country Style, m'a fait découvrir un chant de Noël que je ne connaissais pas (mais comment est-ce possible?) et je voulais le partager avec vous.



I'm pretty tired as the end of the year is always full of staff meetings and also I hate driving at night, but days are so short.
I will put up the Christmas tree as usual Friday evening on my first day of Christmas break... But as today is Saint Lucy's day, I thought I could share with you some candle light...

Of course the tea is deliciously spiced Christmas tea!
And this still on my "faux" coffee table as I haven't found "the one" yet!
Je suis un peu moins active sur le blog en ce moment car la fin de l'année est remplie de conseils de classe et de réunions diverses... En plus, je trouve très fatiguant de conduire de nuit, or étant donné l'heure à laquelle le jour se lève...
Je ne peux pas encore vous montrer mon sapin que je ne ferai que le premier jour des vacances.
Mais aujourd'hui est la Sainte Lucie et je voulais donc vous envoyer un peu de lumière.

Personne n'ose se moquer de ma table basse? Et oui, c'est toujours ma planche!!! Je n'arrive pas à trouver la table de mes rêves!
Little White House xxx

PS: I'm trying to create a "follow me" button... But it's a work in progress, as I'm not sure how it works!!! I'm also going to try to have it in both French and English... Wish me luck!


J'essaie de créer une "inscription" au site (mais comment ça s'appelle en français???) C'est à l'essai pour l'instant... Soyez patients si je ne suis pas très douée...

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<br /> Oooh, you've just made my day. Thank you!! I don't know if it's possible on over-blog but you could look at your settings to try and get all comments sent to your email. That's what I do.<br /> <br /> Have a gorgeously merry Christmas!!<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> Oooh, what a lovely version of that carol! So you see, ivy IS Christmassy after all!!<br /> <br /> It's playing right now as I type to you!!<br /> <br /> I've subscribed to your gorgeous blog, by the way.<br /> <br /> Sarahx<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> <br /> I've been  very busy with end-of-the-year project with my pupils... But I'm back on the blog and I found your comment. Thanks to you, I've improved blog-wise! I didn't even know what<br /> "following" was!!! Now I'm off to my favorite blogs to suscribe to them. Guess where I'm going to stop first?<br /> <br /> <br /> Magali xxx<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />

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  • I've been looking for a house for some time now... And I think I found it! The thing is it needs a lot of work to be transformed from a house to &quot;my&quot; home. I've been looking for ideas on everybody's blogs, so i thought I could begin one of my own...

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