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3 mars 2011 4 03 /03 /mars /2011 16:37


Dear all of you patiently or impatiently waiting for spring,


Bonjour à tous ceux qui attendent patiemment ou pas le printemps,




You might remember my garden from a previous post and you might also remember I wrote I dreamed about a medieval garden.


Vous vous souvenez peut-être de mon jardin anglais et du fait que je rêve d'avoir une partie de jardin transformée en jardin médiéval...


So here is where I am these last days...




The back of the second garden before:


L'arrière du second jardin il y a encore quelques jours... Ou comment je jouais à "Jane dans la jungle"...




The fence before:




The mess of the first day we began working/ Le bazar du premier jour de "jardinage":




The mess it's now!




We don't have the new fence yet... But it won't be the white picket fence of my dreams as it's way too long and so too expensive for me right now!!!


Nous n'avons plus de grillage! Il y en aura un tout nouveau dans quelques jours. En attendant, Shadow vient de manquer de se faire croquer par le chien des nouveaux voisins !




It's really cold here for March... So I gave the gardeners something to have energy...



groseillers avant 3


I got rid of the whole hedge that was on the South side, except for the four red currant bushes that were there but were a real mess as you can see above.


Voilà les quatre groseillers sauvés de la haie sud (tout le reste est parti) dans toute leur splendeur de mauvaises herbes!!!


So an hour and the hell of a backache later, they looked like this:


Quelques heures et un dos en vrac plus tard:


groseiller après 2


If you look closely, the first buds are there!!


The gardeners also found two gooseberry bushes in the middle of the mess and so I replanted them.


groseiller à maquereau 2


Deux groseillers à maquereau ont été aussi retrouvés par les jardiniers dans le bazar de l'ancien poulailler. Ils ont été replanté dans la rangée "groseillers"!



Shadow is checking my work.


Shadow checking


Don't worry about that leash he has, it's not linked to anything, but it allows me to know where he is as there is no fence anymore and he lost his habits, again! Also, the neighbour's dog tend to come in the garden because of the lack of fence and they don't love each other, so I just pull the leash to save my cat rather than risking to get bitten by the dog!!!!


cognassier du japon 2


Something else we found in the mess of the back garden and I decided to save. I guess it's called "Japonica" or so says my dictionary....


Un cognassier du Japon a réussi à pousser dans le débarras qu'était le fond du jardin. Un rayon de soleil est sorti juste le temps de la photo.


We cut the mimosa as unfortunately nothing was growing under it. It was a hard decision to make and everybody told me different things about it, so I've pretty much heard it all, even the meanest things!!!


Still, I didn't want to waste all the flowers so I made bouquets for all my neighbours...




And I decorated the veranda with a very unusual for me yellow theme.




This decor has already evolved since I took the picture, but anyway...





It will propably take years for the garden to be my dream medieval garden, but I'm a constant gardener, so I'll make it work somehow someday... I'll keep you updated...


Voilà un tout petit pas de fait en direction du jardin de mes rêves... Mais, c'est le premier pas le plus difficile!




Little White House xxx




I'm linking with this parties I'm always excited about:


It's definitely a transformation, even if it's not completed, so:


Transformation Thursday At Shabby Chic Cottage

  Feathered Nest Fridaylinkparty button pngshow and tell fridays

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<br /> Just lovely- I am sooo ready for the pretty blooms and warmer weather of spring! Thank you for sharing at FNF! :)<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> Courage ! Il y a encore du boulot bien sûr... mais d'ici quelques mois déjà tu auras des groseilles... et puis quel bonheur de planter toi même tes arbustes et de les voir grandir. J'aime ton<br /> pommier du japon !<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> <br /> Les choses avancent lentement mais sûrement... Un peu moins vite dans la réalité que dans mon imagination, c'est tout!<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />

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  • I've been looking for a house for some time now... And I think I found it! The thing is it needs a lot of work to be transformed from a house to &quot;my&quot; home. I've been looking for ideas on everybody's blogs, so i thought I could begin one of my own...

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