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4 janvier 2013 5 04 /01 /janvier /2013 17:46

Dear readers,


Chers lecteurs,


I've always hated new year traditions. I feel completely stupid wishing a "happy new year" to people I barely know at work. And I don't wish better things at this time of the year to people I love than at any other moment of the year.


Je déteste les traditions de Nouvel An. Souhaitez une "bonne année" à des collègues que je connais à peine me semble extrêmement ridicule. A l'inverse, je n'attends pas un jour particulier pour souhaiter tout le bonheur du monde aux gens que j'aime!




I also don't make any resolutions. I know most of them are forgotten whithin a fortnight!


Je ne prends par ailleurs aucune bonne résolution... ni aucune mauvaise! De toute façon, on ne les tient jamais!




I've never chosen a "word of the year" either. To be fair, I had never even thought of it before I began reading blogs some three years ago.


I spent New Year's Eve with some high school friends: it was a nice night. We went to see a very funny play and then had dinner together. At some point, one of us said what she wished for as 2013 was nearly there. And then, every one of us had to do the same.


J'ai passé le réveillon chez des amis de lycée. A un moment de la soirée, il a été question de ce que nous souhaitions pour cette nouvelle année. Et là, gros trou! Aucune idée.


Well, I was drawing a blank and didn't say anything. Was I that dull that I didn't wish for anything? A kitchen? Wasn't that way "material girl" to say after one of us she wished to find true love?!?


Etais-je à ce point blasée que je ne désirais rien?


This is when I realised that for the first time, I didn't feel like something was missing in my life and I was rather content.


A ce moment, je me suis dit que pour la première fois, même s'il y a plein de petites choses dont je peux avoir envie, dans l'ensemble, je me sens sereine. 


So when suddenly every eyes turned on me and I knew it was time to say what I wished for: "I'd just like life to keep going", was my answer.


Cela a donc inspiré le mot de l'année 2013 (pour la première fois, je sacrifie à cette tradition!).


2013 does have a word, and a French word on top of it!




This word conveys the ideas of fullness, contentment and balance that are the ones that are important to me lately.


It's not a joke. It might seem ridiculous to have those words as guides when you have a very unfinished house as mine, when you're a substitute rather than a teacher who always work in the same school, when you're single and the clock is ticking!




Et non, ce n'est pas une blague! Cela peut paraître ridicule de cultiver un sentiment de plénitude quand on a une maison inachevée en plein travaux, un boulot de remplaçante toujours dans l'incertitude et une vie de célibataire alors que l'horloge biologique tourne!


I think otherwise... Rather than getting bitter and angry at the world because of all I don't have, I like to remember how lucky I am to have every thing I have: a roof over my head, a job that is always challenging, supporting parents and friends!




Justement, je pense que c'est sur tout ce qu'on a de formidable qu'il faut se concentrer: un toit sur la tête, un métier qui vous lance toujours de nouveaux défis, des parents et des amis toujours présents.




So all I can wish to you all is to find your own state of "PLENITUDE" for 2013 and the years to come.


La plénitude est donc l'état que je vous souhaite à tous de trouver en 2013 et dans les années qui suivront!




Magali, from The Little White House xxx



PS: Clicking on the pictures will take you back to some project posts from 2012.


show and tell saturdayiheartnaptimebuttonsundayscoopWord_Of_The_Year_2013.jpg

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What a perfect post for the New Year. Plenitude. I like that. I do have goals for the New Year but I always have goals. Resolutions... Not so much. I always fail at those anyway. Why set myself up<br /> for failure? I wish you a year of plenitude as well.
Bravo pour ces jolies photos pleines de calme, de joie... de plénitude. Je te souhaite donc de poursuivre sur cette voie...
I appreciate your wish for plentitude--what a lovely and appropriate post to which I can relate! I have everything I want and need right now to make me happy, and it sounds as if you do as<br /> well--excellent! It made me smile to see all of your lovely photographs--so very pretty.
<br /> <br /> Thanks for your comments all year long! I've really enjoyed reading your blog in 2012 and getting to know you. I feel like I have a new friend on the other side of the world!<br /> <br /> <br /> Magali xxx<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />

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