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2 mai 2011 1 02 /05 /mai /2011 17:50

So the very famous in France Stéphane Bern said we would all remember what we were doing when the Royal Wedding (it does deserve capital letters, doesn't it?) took place. My family and I sure do! It was an exhausting day!


Royal Wedding


Stéphane Bern prétend que tout le monde se souviendra de ce que l'on faisait lors du mariage de William et Kate. Il y a des chances que cela soit vrai pour mes parents et moi.




So let's rewind a little to a few days before.


Revenons un peu en arrière.




La, la, la... My phone is ringing with its specific tune telling me it's my parents calling.

My father: "We're coming to help you with your house next Friday!"

Me: "No way! I'm watching the wedding!"

My father: "The what?"

Me: "The Royal Wedding!" (Was he living on an other planet?)

My father: "..." (Silence meaning "my daughter has really lost it".)

Me: "Ok, come, but the TV will be on."


Drelin, drelin... Mon téléphone sonne de sa petite musique qui indique que ce sont mes parents qui appellent.

Mon père: "On vient t'aider vendredi prochain!"

Moi: "Non! C'est le mariage!"

Mon père: "Le quoi?"

Moi: "Le mariage royal" (Mais il vit sur une autre planète ou quoi?)

Mon père: "..." (Silence qui indique qu'il pense que j'ai complètement perdu la tête)

Moi: "Bon, venez, mais la télé sera allumée."




I guess my parents were a bit surprised that I wanted to watch the wedding as I'm not the most romantic person in the world (understatement).


Je crois que mes parents étaient un peu surpris que je veuille regarder cette retransmission, car le moins que l'on puisse dire est que je ne suis pas très romantique.




But some time before the wedding all the English genes in me woke up. Also, the history buff thought that she would give anything to witness Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII's secret wedding, so I couldn't miss this one.


Mais quelques jours avant le mariage, l'Anglaise en moi s'est réveillée. Et puis, ma passion pour l'histoire m'a fait dire que je donnerais n'importe quoi pour voir l'un des mariages d'Henry VIII et que je ne pouvais donc pas manquer celui-là.




Actually it was lovely that my parents were there as my mother and I could cry together, while my father disaproved with his famous glare, which made it a fabulous family moment!


En fait, c'était génial que mes parents soient là: ma maman et moi avons pu essuyer notre larme ensemble sous le regard désaprobateur de mon père. Un vrai moment familial, quoi!





As every woman in the world, I guess, I was a bit jaleous, but not of her dress (gorgeous pleats, though, one of the first train I ever saw that is not a mess every time the bride moves), or of the Royal family, or of the fairy tale ceremony, but of the couple's obvious bond (which shows in that picture I chose above).


In case you didn't understand, my parents and I dewall-papered (unwall-papered? - I guess my knowledge of English stops at that kind of words!) the dining-room. My dad is just a pro at that!


Pour ceux qui n'avaient pas compris, nous avons passé la journée, un oeil sur la télé, à enlever le papier peint de la salle-à-manger! Mon papa est juste trop fort à ce jeu-là.


I asked Kate to wave goodbye to you for me, and she was kind enough to do it.







Magali, from the Little White House




PS: For those who are wondering the dining-room is not finished, this was just phase 1... Phase 2 if Kate gets pregnant!!! Seriously, the Little White House is facing a truly awful issue... I'll tell you all in a next post.

  White-Wedneday-ButtonMaking The World Cutter

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26 avril 2011 2 26 /04 /avril /2011 17:38

OK, so there wasn't much of a parade actually as it was my parents and I quietly at home. But it was a super nice day.




D'accord, ce n'était pas une vraie parade, car traditionnellement, mes parents et moi passons Pâques tranquillement ensemble. Mais il faisait tellement beau que la promenade s'est transformée en quelque chose de magique.


The weather was so nice... We went for a walk... Flowers blooming everywhere made it magical.




It does look like a scene from a movie, doesn't it? Like the flowers were put there, just for us!




I really enjoyed the quiet walk and being outside of my garden for the day... It actually gave me strength to go back gardening the next day with new energy! My mother gave me a book called "How to organise your garden" and the author says  it's good to make a sketch of what we want when redoing a garden... I'll try to do that during the week.


J'ai adoré sortir de mon jardin qui me demande tant de travail en ce moment. Cette pause m'a redonné de l'énergie... En plus, mes parents m'ont donné un énorme coup de main sur le déracinage!


A last glimpse of the flowers in my garden:




Ma maman m'a offert un livre de conseils sur comment créer son jardin: ils recommandent de faire un dessin de ce que l'on a en tête. Je vais essayer ça dans la semaine!




Magali, from the Little White House






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17 avril 2011 7 17 /04 /avril /2011 14:43

I woke up yesterday to that song:


J'ai été réveillée hier par cette chanson:




 So, ok, it's been in my player for years and I've been waking up to it every now and then for a while. But, there are songs you've been listening to for so long, you don't really "listen" to them anymore. Do you know what I mean? They are like a conforting lullaby. But yet, somehow, yesterday this one hit home. I had to stop crucifying myself.



D'accord, elle est dans mon lecteur depuis des années et elle me réveille assez souvent. Mais il y a des chansons qu'on écoute depuis tellement longtemps que l'on n'y fait plus vraiment attention. Elles deviennent juste des berceuses rassurantes. Ce matin-là, pourtant, celle-là a fait tilt dans mon cerveau. Il était temps que j'arrête de me crucifier.

I'm a teacher. I'm not complaining as I love my job. Still, I have work to do at home, even at  weekends. It's not like I can arrive on Monday and tell the pupils: "we're not studying anything today, it was too sunny on Sunday to prepare a lesson!"


Je suis prof. J'adore mon boulot. Néanmoins, j'ai toujours du travail à faire à la maison, même le weekend. Je ne peux décemment pas arriver le lundi en déclarant: "Aujourd'hui, on ne fait rien, il faisait trop beau pour préparer des cours dimanche dernier!"



I'm completely redoing the side garden. The gardener did help, but it's my job now to get rid of all the roots that are still there. And believe me, there are more than a girl can handle!!


De plus, je refais le deuxième jardin. Le jardinier a bien enlevé les souches, mais il reste plein de racines qui repartent toutes seules... qu'il me faut donc retrouver et arracher. Crevant et chronophage.




So I keep feeling guilty: if I'm in the garden, I'm not working for pupils. If I'm marking papers, I think about all those roots that need to be uprooted before I can do anything with the garden... So you can imagine how I feel when I'm trying to relax in a hot bath (noticed the bathtub at 2:40 in the video?)...


Du coup, je me sens toujours coupable: soit je corrige des copies et je pense à mes racines, soit je suis dans le jardin, avec un certain sentiment de honte en calculant combien de copies il me reste à lire. Je ne vous parle pas du sentiment de culpabilité qui m'envahit quand je plonge dans un bain chaud.


That's why I decided to join the Beach Cottage Club: it gives me the opportunity to relax without second thoughts - I must do it as it's for the club!!! If you would like to join, go visit  A Beach Cottage.




C'est pourquoi j'ai décidé de rejoindre le club du blog A Beach Cottage: toutes les semaines l'auteur nous donne une mission qui consiste à prendre un peu de temps pour nous. Plus de culpabilité, puisque c'est une mission... possible.




This week assignement was to go to our florist's and buy our favourite flowers. Mission accomplished... Though I'm sorry to say the mission did not involved ruffles or wellies as Sarah wanted it. It did involve a khaki military jacket on a girly pink tee, though!




Cette semaine, il fallait se rendre chez le fleuriste et s'offrir ses fleurs préférées. Mission accomplie, même si je ne portais pas de vêtements à volants ni de bottes en caoutchouc, comme le demandait Sarah.




Magali, from the Little White House xxx



I'm joining:

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14 avril 2011 4 14 /04 /avril /2011 23:00

Hi !



May I come in? I'm sorry if I'm late.   I did put a nice dress on, though. Also, I didn't do the assignement right... But I'm sure I can come up with an excuse: I just need to ask my pupils, they know such good ones!


  taylor cat on roof

(Okay, so this is not exactly me, or my dress... But I can dream?)



Bon, d'accord, ce n'est pas exactement la robe que j'ai enfilé pour aujourd'hui, mais il n'y a pas de mal à rêver!


I was supposed to define my blog but gardening took over and seems to have cleared my brain of all thoughts. That, or I just can't define my blog. Yet. I keep my fingers crossed that such a party will be organised again later.


Le sujet du jour était de définir son blog... Mais je n'ai jamais trouvé le temps de me pencher sérieusement sur la question....


I can't define my blog, but I can define what it's not. It's a start, isn't it?


Par contre, je peux à peu près dire ce qu'il n'est pas.


a) It's not a blog read only by family and friends as it was destined to be when I wrote my first article. My mum turns out to be the only family member to read my blog... I'm sure you know her as she leaves lots of (always nice) comments... And she has her own blog as a writer, which you can check here.




Very first meal with my parents at the house.... You may notice that the tags are still on the chairs!!!


1) Ce n'est pas, comme je le pensais au départ, un blog destiné à la famille et aux amis...


b) It's not a photographer's blog. My camera is tiny little thing doing it's best to take good pictures, but sometimes its owner just doesn't know how to capture the light or find the right angle.




I would considerate buying a better camera if I was 100% sure the fault is always on the camera and not on me and if I didn't have better things to spend  money on, like tiles, doors, windows and kitchen... I almost forgot sofa, coffee table, bookcasesss.... You get the idea, don't you?


2) Ce n'est pas du tout un blog de photographe, étant donné le tout petit appareil photo que je possède et mes grandes difficultés à trouver la bonne luminosité pour faire des photos!


c) It's not a designer's blog. I'm just a teacher with absolutely no knowledge of what should or shouldn't be done as far as decoration goes. I've just always loved houses... But most of time is spent working for my pupils, rather than decorating.

medium lire


3) Ce n'est pas le blog d'une décoratrice professionnelle. En fait, je n'y connais rien, ça m'intéresse depuis toujours, par contre.


d) It's not a blog to give advice... Not that I don't want to help my readers, but I really don't have a clue about what I'm doing: I just take it one step after the other... Hopefully in a few years, I will have something useful to share. My neighbour and I laugh at ourselves as we always speak about her projects for our houses: like, "in 2023, I will have a nice garden shed, here, and the fake ceiling in my room will be gone by 2025!!!"


Pordic juillet 2010 017

The dining room the day I moved in... One of those rooms that so need renovation! Even if I know nothing about decoration, I can't do worse, now, can I?


4) Ce n'est pas un blog de conseils... Ce n'est pas que je refuse de vous aider, j'en suis juste incapable!!! Mais quand on voit au dessus ma salle-à-manger, je me dis qu'il faut oser se lancer, ce ne pourra pas être pire!


e) It's absolutely not a blog about a perfect house!



Current state of my office nook in the living-room... And don't think it's my only bookcase, I have two others in the same state... And books in every room, bathroom included...


5) Ce n'est pas du tout le blog d'une maison parfaite, comme vous le montre l'état actuel d'une des nombreuses (et toutes débordantes) bibliothèques de la maison!




Magali, from the Little White House xxx



I'm joining Sarah at Modern Country Style:

Define your blog

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12 avril 2011 2 12 /04 /avril /2011 20:07



First thing, I'd like to calm your alarm: I didn't witness my neighbour getting killed!


Pour ceux qui sont déjà perdus, "Rear Window" est le titre anglais du film "Fenêtre sur cour".


rear window 2


You might remember that post that said I mostly watch movies and shows for the set. It's not always true! I sometimes watch them for the costumes. I mean that black dress looks amazing! It probably helps that it's Grace wearing it (yes, we are on first name basis!)


Vous vous souvenez peut-être de cet article dans lequel je disais ne regarder films et séries que pour les décors... Ce n'est pas entièrement vrai. Parfois, je regarde pour la garde-robe, surtout quand Grace joue dans le film...


And look at that! Wow! Notice how her left foot is only on her toes, like she's going to walk to you any second. To me it's so sexy, but in a very elegant way!


Regardez-moi un peu cette robe et la pose élégante, un brin moqueur, de Miss Kelly!




So, why was I talking about my admiration for Grace? I always get side tracked. I'm so sorry if I already lost half my readers at that point...


Euh, mais comment j'en suis venue à parler de mon admiration pour cette actrice? Je suis sûre d'avoir perdu la moitié de mes lecteurs.


Some of you are still here?


Great! I was actually supposed to write a post about my kitchen window, which is at the back of the house... And just got redecorated...




My real herb garden is just beginning, so I can't show you this one yet. But here's the one that's always at the ready for cooking!


Ah! Oui, je voulais vous montrer ma fenêtre... que j'ai transformé en petit jardin aromatique en attendant que le vrai jardin de simples se mette en place.




J'ai acheté des petits seaux tout simples et j'ai réutilisé les petites ardoises achetées l'an dernier au moment des soldes.




I bought some small buckets and reused cute signs I bought last year on sale.





You may notice that the chive and parsley are used a lot more than coriander, which is the only one having time to really get bigger!




Le persil et la ciboulette étant très utilisés, ils n'ont pas le temps de déborder du pot. Pour la coriandre, c'est une autre histoire...



Magali, from the Little White House xxx





I'm going to show off my herb window sill at the following parties:

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Tuesday's Treasure - Uncommon Slice Suburbiath wowuswedparty

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10 avril 2011 7 10 /04 /avril /2011 14:34


Hi everyone!


Bonjour à tous!


bob-the-builderWe've been blessed with a wonderfully sunny weekend here at the Little White House. So I decided to go all Bob-the-builder...



Nous avons eu la chance d'avoir un weekend particulièrement ensoleillé et j'ai donc décidé de me mettre au bricolage...


You might remember the smelly old fish pond that used to be in the alley going from the back to the side garden.


Vous souvenez vous du bassin à poissons bien croupi situé entre les deux jardins?



Fish pond 1



I wanted to have the compost bin there as it's conveniently not too far but not too close from the house.


Je voulais installer là le compost, ni trop loin, ni trop près de la maison.




The box was heavy as hell and nearly didn't fit in my tiny European sized car... I nearly wished I had gone for the plastic one. Not!




They said it took five minutes to build it. Of course, it took a little while more.


La notice annonçat cinq minutes de montage... Evidemment, j'ai mis une petite demi-heure!




The screw were already in the wood board, but some of them were really askew and made the job difficult... Lucky me, I stole my dad's electric screwdriver, as he didn't know how to use it (I won't translate that, ok?).




I had wanted the compost bin to be metal and wood. Maybe because "industrial look" is so fashionable and I don't want it in my home, but it looks fine in the garden! It's better than a plastic one, isn't it?


Un petit côté industriel, non? En tout cas, c'est plus joli que ceux en plastique...




Now, I'm sorry to show you my garbage; but I'm stupidly proud of the first vegetable peels I put in it!!!


Navrée de vous montrer mes déchets, mais je suis tellement fière de mes premières pelures qui ont rejoint le composteur...




So, this wasn't the most glamourous post, so I'm going to leave you on a more girly picture!







Magali, from the Little White House xxx



I'm joining some of my favourite parties: please, feel free to crash them to meet wonderful people...



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6 avril 2011 3 06 /04 /avril /2011 18:03

Dear readers,


Chers lecteurs,


During the past few months, transformations in the Little White House might have seem to have gone very slowly.


Ces derniers mois, les transformations de la petite maison ont été plus que ralenties par l'hiver.


But sometimes you get unexpected help.


Mais parfois, on reçoit un coup de main inespéré, mais ô combien apprécié.


Laurier plame 2


A few weeks ago, my neighbour asked me why I hadn't get rid of a tree which was bringing much shadow in his garden  and he knew I didn't want to keep. I told him getting rid of all the remains of the henhouse had been already very expensive...


Il y a quelques temps, mon voisin m'a demandé pourquoi je ne m'étais pas encore débarrassé de ce laurier palme qui assombrissait son jardin, poussait le toit de son abri et dont il savait que je ne voulais plus...


The next Saturday, the gate bell rang. And here he was with his father-in-law and their chainsaw!


Le samedi suivant, il a débarqué avec son beau-père et sa tronçonneuse!


Laurier palme 3



Behind that tree, that was actually pushing the roof of my neighbours' garden shed, was a nasty fish pond where I wonder how the previous owner manage to keep their fish alive since there was no oxygen system of any kind.



Derrière cet arbre, il y avait un bassin à poissons dans lequel il est miraculeux que des poissons aient survécu car il n'y avait aucun système d'oygénation de l'eau.


Fish pond 1


After the tree was cut, the neighbour offered to say goodbye to the pond: I did a happy dance, so he understood a) that I was crazy - b) that I thought it was the best idea of the day!


Le voisin m'a proposé de la vider.


Fish pond 2


Believe me you're lucky pictures don't include the smell.



C'est une bonne chose pour vous que les photos ne capturent pas les odeurs!!!


Late fish pond


Now, my part of the work. I'm filling the hole in order to be able to put my future compost bin there. It might not look like it, but believe me it's taking for ever to fill and it's a pretty tiring job: the picture above is where I am today, almost done!


Maintenant, il me faut remplir le trou laissé par le bassin. C'est un peu du travail de forçat, charrier des caillous et de la terre tous les weekends. La photo ci-dessus vous montre où j'en suis ce jour.


News of the actual compost bin will be posted when I found it. Because of course, I don't want a plastic one! Too ugly for my garden!


Ce sera mon futur carré à compost, dont vous aurez des nouvelles dès que je l'aurai trouvé, car bien sûr, je n'en veux pas un en plastique, ce serait trop simple!





Magali, from the Little White House xxx




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5 avril 2011 2 05 /04 /avril /2011 20:34

Dear readers,


Chers lecteurs,



Today it's been one year since I first visited the Little White House, one year since I saw that old blue gate with a "to buy" sign next to it, one year since I discovered the kind of heaven that was well hidden from the road...


Last Year

Cela fait aujourd'hui un an que j'ai rencontré pour la première fois ma maison, un an que j'ai aperçu ce petit portail bleu près duquel un signe "A vendre" était accroché, un an que j'ai découvert un petit paradis bien caché des regards.


I tried to simplify the blog design for this "anniversary". I'm completely ignorant about blogging and had kept until now the first design that over-blog offered. I couldn't get the pictures of the banner to be all the same height, for some reason, but after hours of working on it, I feel it's saver for my sanity to believe I didn't really like things to be aligned...


En l'honneur de ce petit anniversaire, j'ai essayé d'épurer le blog. J'avoue être complètement novice en blog et j'avais gardé jusqu'à présent, le premier design que m'avait proposé over-blog lors de la création... Et oui, je sais, les photos de la bannière ne s'alignent pas. J'ignore pourquoi, même après des heures de travail. J'ai préféré me convaincre que je n'aimais pas trop les choses bien alignées plutôt que de détruire rageusement l'ordinateur!





Magali, from the Little White House xxx

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4 avril 2011 1 04 /04 /avril /2011 20:03

Dear readers,


Chers lecteurs,


Spring is trying to win the battle against winter...


Le printemps se bat pour chasser l'hiver...


Flower bed 1


The tulips are out and to my utter dismay, some are kind of yellow and red. Can you see them in the middle? They were called "Quebec" and were supposed to be cream and pink when I put them in the flower bed last fall...




J'avais envisagé un parterre de tulipes blanches et roses à l'automne dernier... Mais quand les bulbes du milieu sont sortis de terre... Ils se sont révélés plutôt jaunes et rouges. Ils portaient pourtant le si joli nom de "Québec"...




I always wonder how nature can create such a pure colour.




Last Friday, I went to a local shop to buy some buttercups. It's the right name, isn't it? Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.)




I wanted that shade exactly: white with touches of pink.




But I parked so early in front of the shop that it was actually closed and I had to wait for a quarter of an hour in my car.




Vendredi, la météo ayant annoncé du soleil, je me suis précipitée à la jardinerie. Un peu trop précipitée, en fait, car je suis arrivée un quart d'heure avant l'ouverture...




Je voulais des renoncules et des campanules blanches, oui, je sais, tout le monde les veut violettes, mais je les trouve adorables et plus lumineuses en blanc... Mais comme je ne suis pas douée pour garder les renoncules, j'ai aussi planté quelques oeillets.




What do you mean "enough with the pictures"? Really. Just one more, please.




J'espère que tout reprendra, mais ce sont mes premières plantations en pleine terre, alors, je ne suis pas bien sûre. J'y jette un coup d'oeil toutes les dix minutes, comme si ça pouvait aider!


This is actually the first flower bed of my life! I only had a balcony with pots before. I like it so much, I go check on it every minute or so...





Magali, from the Little White House xxx



PS: A few hours after I took the pictures we had the worst hail storm ever... But apart from a few broken tulips that are now in an old milk bottle in my veranda, nothing was damaged.

Quelques heures après les photos, un orage de grêle monstrueux s'est abattu sur le jardin, mais à part quelques tulipes effondrées, tout semble avoir survécu.


I'm joining "Making the World Cuter", as these flowers do make my part of the world cuter!

Making The World Cutter


Pic for Body of Blog3Tuesday's Treasure - Uncommon Slice Suburbiath wowuswedparty

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27 mars 2011 7 27 /03 /mars /2011 15:30

Dear readers,



Chers lecteurs,


I had it coming. I've been buying things on the Internet and asking sellers to send it to me from all over the country. And it was always perfect: my cake stand, my violet teapot, my treasured pink Wedgwood box (I still have to show you that one - what? Is it Spring already? Where has Winter gone - Not than I want it back) and some gifts for people around me...


Cela me pendait au nez. Sérieusement, depuis le temps que je commande des choses fragiles et qu'elles arrivent sans un accroc... Jusqu'au jour où j'ai reçu cette cafetière et cette théière que je lorgnais depuis un moment sur Le Bon Coin... J'en aurais pleuré.


Everything so far arrived safe and sound to begin a new life at the Little White House, until that day...




Both the teapot and the coffee pot were broken... I was so disappointed it nearly had me cry. Such beautiful brown transferware (I think that's what it's called). Something had to be done...


So off I went to Leroy Merlin (hardware store that I "visit" so often one of my colleagues says there's a "Welcome Magali" sign on their sliding doors) and bought some extra strong (but solvant free) glue... And I began to work:




Je me suis donc rendu chez mon meilleur ami Leroy Merlin (d'aucuns au travail prétendent qu'il y a une banderole "Bienvenue Magali" à l'entrée du magasin tant je le fréquente), pour acheter une colle super puissante mais sans solvant bien sûr!




It still shows that it was broken, but it's part of its history now and there's nothing I can do about it... At least, it's not in the trash and it has a second life...


Les traces de casse se voient encore, mais au moins elle a gagné une deuxième vie!






The teapot wasn't so lucky: the spout is missing lots of tiny, tiny parts, so my work on it is not as good. It joined my collection, nonetheless. It will never make it to the front row, though!!!


La théière, elle, est plus mal en point. Le bec verseur a perdu trop de petits fragments pour que mon travail soit joli... Mais j'ai fait ce que j'ai pu et elle a rejoint la collection... Elle sera juste un mauvais élève, abonné au dernier rang!


So you think I'm cured from buying on the Internet? Not in the least!


Et vous pensez que cela m'a vacciné de l'achat sur Internet? Eh bien, même pas!!!






Little White House xxx



I'm joining:

Tuesday's Treasure - Uncommon Slice Suburbia

Making The World Cutter

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Me, Myself... And The House!

  • littlewhitehouse.over-blog.com
  • I've been looking for a house for some time now... And I think I found it! The thing is it needs a lot of work to be transformed from a house to "my" home. I've been looking for ideas on everybody's blogs, so i thought I could begin one of my own...
  • I've been looking for a house for some time now... And I think I found it! The thing is it needs a lot of work to be transformed from a house to "my" home. I've been looking for ideas on everybody's blogs, so i thought I could begin one of my own...

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