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13 janvier 2013 7 13 /01 /janvier /2013 14:42

We're moving!




Ok,  not really.... Only the blog is moving!


Please join me to The Little White House On The Seaside on Blogger.


You'll need to re-suscribe if you want to as Overblog doesn't allow me to see you e-mail addresses.


I'll be delighted to see you there! It's still under construction, just like the house!


On déménage! Enfin, pas vraiment! Seulement le blog.


Je vous invite à me rejoindre sur The Little White On The Seaside sur Blogger.


Vous devrez vous réinscrire si vous le souhaitez car Overblog ne me donne pas vos adresses email.


Je serai ravie de vous retrouvez là-bas (c'est encore un peu en chantier, comme ma maison!)


Magali, from The Little White House xxx

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9 janvier 2013 3 09 /01 /janvier /2013 19:21

Dear readers,


Chers lecteurs,


As you might remember, Milo, the former owers of the Little White House's cat, decided to come back and live here.

He seems to believe it's the best place in the world and I must say I'm flattered.

My very own cat, Shadow, does not think it's a good idea.

Milo is his worst enemy, but no matter how hard Shadow fights, Milo always comes back... He's like Terminator!

So life has been eventful around here as I've spent a lot of time trying to avoid a cat murder to happen in the house!

It has been decided that the chair I wanted to remove from the living-room is staying and is "Switzerland". Shadow isn't allowed to fight if Milo is on the chair... The rule is more or less observed.



Milo on the Switzerland chair.


Milo, le chat des anciens propriétaires de la maison, a donc décidé de venir se réinstaller ici. Cela ne plait pas du tout à Shadow et les bagarres sont incessantes... Il a donc été décidé que la chaise que je voulais retirer du salon allait rester et être élue "territoire suisse". Il est interdit de se battre quand Milo est sur cette chaise... Cela fonctionne à peu près.


Lately, there's been few minutes of peace between them. And it struck me how much alike they are.




Here they are admiring the new kitchen window.


Ces derniers temps, il y a eu des instants de paix. Ces deux photos, prises sans avoir le temps d'allumer les lumières ou de ranger la table (la trève pouvait ne pas durer!), me semblent souligner combien en fait ces deux ennemis se ressemblent... Et combien leur bagarres me semblent futiles.


The pictures are not blog-worthy, but when I saw them this quiet, I just knew it wouldn't last. I grabbed the camera without switching the light on or tidying the table (the picture was taken the day they finished the window!).




I swear I didn't ask them to do that!


To the human I am, they look so much alike I don't understand why they fight all the time.


Je me demande si les batailles entre humains leur semblent aussi ridicules... A leurs yeux, les humains doivent être tellement semblables.


I'm wondering if to them human fights seem also completely ridiculous, since we are also so much alike...


By the way the cats and I are in love with the new window...  Before/after coming soon!


Au fait, les chats et moi, on adore cette nouvelle fenêtre. Avant/après à suivre dans quelques temps!



Magali, from The Little White House xxx


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6 janvier 2013 7 06 /01 /janvier /2013 18:13

Dear readers,


Chers lecteurs,


Tonight is the Twelfth Night, also known as "day of the Kings (Magi)" in France.


It's a family day where we eat a cake inside of which a lucky charm has been hidden. The person who finds the charm in his or her piece of cake is crowned king or queen for the day.




In Paris, the cake is called Gallette. It's made of pastry and almond dough.




In the south of France, though, it's traditional to eat a brioche in the shape of a crown.




Sometimes with glacé fruits on top of it (my Mom's favourite).




This year I tried to bake my own brioche. I found a recipe in a magazine with the glacé fruits inside.


Je vous passe les informations sur la galette dont vous n'avez pas besoin si vous êtes Français et je vous propose ma toute première brioche... Elle est un peu bancale, mais compte tenu du mini four avec lequel je travaille, je la trouve superbe!




It's not really even... But if you remember that I have a very tiny cheap oven, I believe it's perfect.


You may notice that the glacé cherries are very dark and the glacé orange pieces very light. That's because I use oragnic ones without artificial colouring.


Ne vous étonnez pas de la couleur foncée des cerises confites ou au contraire de la couleur palotte des oranges et citrons confits. J'utilise des fruits sans colorants artificiels... Et au naturel, cela donne donc ça!




It was delicous and I'll keep the recipe for next year... I'll just make some improvement from experience!




I would show you the lucky charm if I could, but it hasn't been discovered yet!


If you noticed some white fabric on a chair in my first picture... It's supposed to be turned into kitchen curtains some day...


Magali, from The Little White House xxx


PPS: 1) All pictures were found on Google and taken from websites, rather than personal blogs. The last three are mine, taken with the dreadful light we've had seen 2013 began!


2) I'm bringing my brioche to the following parties:


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6 janvier 2013 7 06 /01 /janvier /2013 16:02

Dear readers,


Chers lecteurs,


It's a holiday tradition that I spend a day in Paris with my father.


C'est devenu une tradition de passer une journée à Paris avec mon Papa lors des fêtes de fin d'année.




We walked through the Luxembourg Park where he used to sail toy boat on the pool when he was a little boy.


Nous avons traversé le Luxembourg où nous avons croisé ce garde tellement "cliché" que je me suis dit que l'uniforme avait été choisi pour plaire aux touristes.




There we met a guard that was very "French cliché" looking. I bet they chose that uniform for tourists!


We went to eat to a no less French bistrot.




Nous n'avons pas manqué de nous arrêter dans un bistrot typique, le genre où l'on est tellement serré que l'on mange presque sur les genoux de son voisin!


And I then took him to the "passages", which are those covered alleys that go from one street to another and are full of wonderful shops!




Nous avons ensuite traversé divers passages couverts qui cachent des boutiques toutes plus belles les unes que les autres.




We had a great day, though we barely could feel our feet at the end of the day from walking so much!




I hope you enjoyed that walk through Paris as well.




Magali, from the Little White House xxx






Sharing this Paris day with:


  Making The World Cutter


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4 janvier 2013 5 04 /01 /janvier /2013 17:46

Dear readers,


Chers lecteurs,


I've always hated new year traditions. I feel completely stupid wishing a "happy new year" to people I barely know at work. And I don't wish better things at this time of the year to people I love than at any other moment of the year.


Je déteste les traditions de Nouvel An. Souhaitez une "bonne année" à des collègues que je connais à peine me semble extrêmement ridicule. A l'inverse, je n'attends pas un jour particulier pour souhaiter tout le bonheur du monde aux gens que j'aime!




I also don't make any resolutions. I know most of them are forgotten whithin a fortnight!


Je ne prends par ailleurs aucune bonne résolution... ni aucune mauvaise! De toute façon, on ne les tient jamais!




I've never chosen a "word of the year" either. To be fair, I had never even thought of it before I began reading blogs some three years ago.


I spent New Year's Eve with some high school friends: it was a nice night. We went to see a very funny play and then had dinner together. At some point, one of us said what she wished for as 2013 was nearly there. And then, every one of us had to do the same.


J'ai passé le réveillon chez des amis de lycée. A un moment de la soirée, il a été question de ce que nous souhaitions pour cette nouvelle année. Et là, gros trou! Aucune idée.


Well, I was drawing a blank and didn't say anything. Was I that dull that I didn't wish for anything? A kitchen? Wasn't that way "material girl" to say after one of us she wished to find true love?!?


Etais-je à ce point blasée que je ne désirais rien?


This is when I realised that for the first time, I didn't feel like something was missing in my life and I was rather content.


A ce moment, je me suis dit que pour la première fois, même s'il y a plein de petites choses dont je peux avoir envie, dans l'ensemble, je me sens sereine. 


So when suddenly every eyes turned on me and I knew it was time to say what I wished for: "I'd just like life to keep going", was my answer.


Cela a donc inspiré le mot de l'année 2013 (pour la première fois, je sacrifie à cette tradition!).


2013 does have a word, and a French word on top of it!




This word conveys the ideas of fullness, contentment and balance that are the ones that are important to me lately.


It's not a joke. It might seem ridiculous to have those words as guides when you have a very unfinished house as mine, when you're a substitute rather than a teacher who always work in the same school, when you're single and the clock is ticking!




Et non, ce n'est pas une blague! Cela peut paraître ridicule de cultiver un sentiment de plénitude quand on a une maison inachevée en plein travaux, un boulot de remplaçante toujours dans l'incertitude et une vie de célibataire alors que l'horloge biologique tourne!


I think otherwise... Rather than getting bitter and angry at the world because of all I don't have, I like to remember how lucky I am to have every thing I have: a roof over my head, a job that is always challenging, supporting parents and friends!




Justement, je pense que c'est sur tout ce qu'on a de formidable qu'il faut se concentrer: un toit sur la tête, un métier qui vous lance toujours de nouveaux défis, des parents et des amis toujours présents.




So all I can wish to you all is to find your own state of "PLENITUDE" for 2013 and the years to come.


La plénitude est donc l'état que je vous souhaite à tous de trouver en 2013 et dans les années qui suivront!




Magali, from The Little White House xxx



PS: Clicking on the pictures will take you back to some project posts from 2012.


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23 décembre 2012 7 23 /12 /décembre /2012 21:06

Dear readers,


Chers lecteurs,


I'm just writing a quick post in between re-re-packing for the hundredth time, trying to travel as light as possible due to a painful hernia... I even asked Shadow to eat light lately so I can carry him!


Au milieu de la sorte de folie qu'est toujours le mois de décembre, je tente de faire une courte pause pour un petit article.


I was supposed to have time to write my Christmas post yesterday, but I ended up trying to find my grand-mother... She had had that crazy idea to dust before we arrive all for Christmas and while doing that, she unhooked her phone... After trying to reach her all day, I was in panic, already picturing her unconscious on her floor. I phoned all her neighbours and most of them weren't home.


As I reminded her, dusting can be a dangerous habit!


So anyway, this post was to wish you all a


Merry Christmas




Je vous souhaite à tous un très

Joyeux Noël


I'm doing my best to keep ornaments ON the tree... But there's a little thief on the house!




Trying his best to look innocent...


Un petit voleur fait de temps à autre disparaître une boule de neige située sur une branche basse...


Magali, from a Christmasy Little White House xxx



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19 décembre 2012 3 19 /12 /décembre /2012 20:26

Dear readers,


Chers lecteurs,


I confess I stole someone idea last weekend.


J'avoue avoir volé une idée ce week-end.


About a year ago I suscribed to a blog called Keeping It Simple.


Il y a environ un an, je me suis abonnée au blog Keeping It Simple, et j'adore lire les articles bourrés d'idées le matin en buvant mon thé.




I love finding its posts in my mailbox and reading them over my morning cupsss of tea... Last week, there was a post about a cute neighbour's gift.


La semaine dernière, cette idée de petit cadeau m'avait séduite.




When I had a gift to make last Saturday, that post came back to my mind.


Elle m'est revenue en mémoire quand j'ai eu besoin d'une idée originale.


Of course I had none of the usual toys most of you bloggers have. I don't have any vinyl of any colour...


But a former French president said that "In France, we don't have petroleum, but we have ideas!".


Evidemment, je ne possède pas les accessoires du style vinyl autocollant... Alors, j'ai mis un peu de peinture sur des étiquettes scolaires autocollantes!


So I took asic white school stickers and painted them with black and orange paint, leftovers from Halloween, then cut them. Here's what I did.




The picture was snapped at night in my ugly kitchen, seconds before getting in the car to deliver the present. As usual I had forgotten to take pictures before... So I apologize for the lack of light, setting, etc...





Thanks for visiting! And Merry Christmas to you all!


Magali, from The Little White House xxx


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12 décembre 2012 3 12 /12 /décembre /2012 19:35

Dear readers,


Chers lecteurs,


Thanks a lot for your comments who usually make my breakfast! I read them sipping my morning tea before going to work and it keeps me happy for the rest of the day!


I believed something was missing to my first mantel.




If you're thinking more "bling", you might be right... But that's not what I was looking for this year.


Dans mon esprit, un manteau de cheminée de Noël ne serait pas complet sans ses "stockings", les grandes chaussettes à remplir de petits cadeaux.


No, I thought no Christmas mantel would be complete without stockings.


I couldn't find anything in French stores that was remotely close to what I had in mind. I only found very "Christmasy" ones. What's wrong with that? Nothing, really, except I didn't want a reindeer or a big chubby Santa on my stockings.


J'en ai cherché dans les boutiques, mais je n'ai trouvé que des choses très colorées avec des rennes en peluches dessus ou des gros pères-Noël joufflus... Bof!


So the idea of making one popped in my brain.




Except, you might remember that I can't sew... Still, I decided I should challenge myself.


Je me suis dit qu'il était temps de se lancer un défi perso pour moi qui ne sais pas coudre!




I'm sorry, I took the picture when it was already night, when I finished the stocking actually. I have evening school meetings for the next two days... and I couldn't wait to brag!!!


I found different tutorial on the Internet and added my very down-to-earth touch.




The white-dot-blue fabric is removable, just in case I want a different colour or atmosphere next year!


Le revers bleu à pois est amovible, comme ça si l'an prochain j'ai une envie de rouge ou de noir, ce sera facile de changer!


I can't resist to show you my paperwhites that are blooming and where next to me on the dining-room table while I was sewing.




Les narcisses paper-white ont déjà fleuri et m'ont accompagnée sur la table de la salle à manger pendant que j'essayais de coudre droit!


Also, I could use your advice. The old sewing-machine is my Mom's. She's so kind that she lent it to me. But it's very heavy and with my hernia it kills me to lift it to the table and then to put it back under the stairs where it's hidden. So I was thinking of buying a new one. Any mistake I shouldn't make while choosing it?


La machine que m'a prêtée ma Maman (merci!) est super, mais elle est définitivement bloquée sur un seul point et est vraiment lourde. C'est vraiment douloureux avec ma hernie de la déplacer. J'envisage d'en acheter une autre un de ces jours. Auriez-vous des conseils à me donner?


Magali, from the Little White House xxx


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8 décembre 2012 6 08 /12 /décembre /2012 19:39

Dear readers,


Chers lecteurs,



Going shopping in December around here is pure craziness. There's just nowhere to park and even if you can park, there are so many people in the aisles that it gets on my nerves in no time and there's no need to tell you the lines at the cashier are "as long as a day without bread" (French saying).


Alors qu'il est impossible de trouver la moindre place pour garer sa voiture dans les parkings des magasins en ces temps de fêtes, j'ai décidé d'utiliser ma méthode habituelle: dénicher sur Le Bon Coin l'objet de mes rêves et aller le chercher, ayant ainsi l'occasion d'une petite ballade.


So I went shopping my way today. I found something I liked and needed on the Internet, phoned the lady selling it and hopped in the car.


Of course, I wandered in the town the seller lived in.




I apologize for the quality of the pictures... The light was just "bleak" today.I actually love the colour of the skies at this time of the year.


As many old towns, it is built on a hill top... which makes visiting the town rather tiring!




Lamballe is an old medieval town with lots of tiny narrow streets, so taking a picture with a camera like mine is a challenge, as I can never get a whole house in the frame!


Lamballe est une jolie petite ville médiévale dont les rues sont tellement étroites qu'il est difficile d'avoir le recul nécessaire pour prendre des photos!




I swear I didn't drink before taking the pictures! The houses are wonky, either because they are very old or because they never were straight to begin with!


Non, non, je n'avais pas bu avant de prendre les photos. Les maisons ne sont juste pas droites du tout!



I'm so sorry the square was being redone unfortunately for my pictures...




I saw glimpses of beautiful houses hidden behind big gates.




And even a white xxx was blooming in December!




Can you see the house has interior shutters?


Obviously, I couldn't walk those streets without thinking of the unfortunate Princess of Lamballe who was a close friend to Marie-Antoinette and was killed during the 18th century revolution. She never walked those streets, though.


Evidemment, en arpentant ces rues, j'ai eu une pensée pour la pauvre princesse de Lamballe, même si elle n'a probablement jamais mis les pieds dans cette ville!



La Princesse de Lamballe, by Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun.


Thanks for joining me in that cold and damp weather for the walk!


Now, to see what I bought today, you'll have to come back!



Magali, from The Little White House xxx



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7 décembre 2012 5 07 /12 /décembre /2012 20:15

Dear readers,


Chers lecteurs,


My Christmas mantel is very, very simple. So you might wonder why I'm so extatic about it and so proud to show it on the blog.


J'ai choisi un décor de cheminée extrêmement simple pour ce mois de décembre... Et vous vous demandez sûrement pourquoi j'en suis si fière.


Well, this is how the wall looked like when I bought the house.


Eh, bien, petit voyage dans le temps. Voilà à quoi ressemblait ce mur quand j'ai acheté la maison!




And the same wall tonight. Allow me a little "Tadaa!" moment.


Et aujourd'hui!




I'm sorry about the awful quality of the picture. It's been raining for days and my very basic camera can't do better (to be fair, it's actually the best of a series of very bad pictures!).




Après plusieurs jours de pluie, la lumière est affreuse et c'est le mieux que mon appareil un peu primitif pouvait faire. Finalement, c'est mieux à la lueur des bougies.


Anyway, I believe the mantel is to be seen by candle light.




When we removed the dry wall, I discovered that the old stone mantel had been destroyed at some point of the house's history.




I was very disappointed as I had been dreaming of having a mantel, like forever! So the wood one you can see here is an attic-sale find.




I actually enjoyed decorating it, even if the rest of the house is a mess due to the renovation going on (and on, and on). It's part of the glass-hafl-full philosophy!


While I let you have a look at my silver collection, my cherubs and my jar of snow balls,




Let me marvel at the house transformation that can be seen in the mantel mirror!




like the beamed ceiling or the transom on the door, for instance.


J'ai adoré mettre en place ce petit décor, même en plein milieu d'une maison en pleine rénovation. Mais, finalement, ce que je préfère, c'est voir dans le miroir le reflet des transformations effectuées: les poutres du plafond, l'imposte sur la porte, le manteau de cheminée chiné en brocante...


The amaryllis was nice enough to bloom on time.




The mantel gives a very serene atmosphere to the room, which is exactly what I need right now!


I'm sending you serene vibes all the way from a rainy Brittany.


Thanks for visiting!


Merci de votre visite!


Magali, from The Little White House xxx



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  • I've been looking for a house for some time now... And I think I found it! The thing is it needs a lot of work to be transformed from a house to "my" home. I've been looking for ideas on everybody's blogs, so i thought I could begin one of my own...
  • I've been looking for a house for some time now... And I think I found it! The thing is it needs a lot of work to be transformed from a house to "my" home. I've been looking for ideas on everybody's blogs, so i thought I could begin one of my own...

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